Monday, March 30, 2009

Mis Hermanos Menores/ My Little Brothers

17 to 25 year olds go to my Grupo. There are a lot of younger guys that go as well as many older girls. This has caused there to be a huge gap in maturity levels which makes things interesting… and painful. Let me show you just how painful:

1. Last night, the Pastor was leading the usual bible study. He let us know that he was thinking about starting up a class on God’s view of sexuality. Whispers and soft giggling immediately filled the room. I could almost feel the maturity levels dropping as El Pastor began to explain what the course would be about. He ended the introduction by saying, “It is very important for us to look at sex for just what it is – a blessing from God.”

And then at least three of the guys in the room shouted out a hearty, “Amen!”

2. Josue is a 17 year old guy who acts like an annoying little brother. His favorite pastime is calling me “Miss Page” rather than “Eden.” He does this because he feels it his duty to remind me during my leisure time that I am a mature, hardworking teacher and that it is my job and mine alone to stop relaxing and step up and take responsibility when responsibility is needed (even though often he is the one who creates all the problems to solve).

Here is an example:

Children are making noise and running around restaurant. Many in the restaurant are turning around and looking at them in annoyance.

Josue then says, “Oh but wait! No fears. We have a professora among us!” He turns to me, “Ok Miss Page, take care of them.”

3. Another time, Josue took the hand of Cristian and started holding it just the same way he would hold the hand of his girlfriend. He then turned his head back dramatically and batted his eyelashes at me as if showing off his newest catch.

I immediately asked one of the guys who knows some English, “How do you say ‘scars on my mind’ in Spanish?”

4. Mariano and Cynthia are walking and talking in front of a group of us guys and girls.

“Wait, wait, lets sit back and admire them” says Josue, not letting us pass so that Mariano and Cynthia walk on alone, “Wouldn’t they make such a beautiful couple?”

5. Our intern gringa, Bethany, is just beginning to get a grasp on Spanish. They often pick on her by saying something super fast in Spanish and then turning to Bethany sharply and saying, “Understand?”

I was talking with Mariano later and he asked me, “You have a lot of Americana friends visit this church. So why do none of your friends return? Are the guys not tall and hot enough for them?”

I just laughed but I should have said in reply, “It’s not a physical thing as much as it is a maturity thing.” However, although immature often, they can often surprise you.

6. One of the guys stops and lets me pass him as we are going down the steps.

“What are you doing?” I ask, thinking he is up to another trick.

“Just being a gentleman.”


Still, none of these guys can ever replace my real little brother.


tsbjf said...

Oh, boys.

Sarah said...

I enjoy reading your blog Eden, keep up the good work! :)