Monday, December 07, 2009

Diagram of Permanent Church Seating

You come into a church you have never been to before.
You sit down.
One or two elderly women begin to sit around you and start up a conversation about their grandchildren, personal body functions, or a bird they just saw outside.
Suddenly, a swarm of elderly women begin to sit around you and the chatter picks up.
"OH NO!" you think, "Now I've done it. I am now sitting in the old lady section of the church!"
You want to get up but it is too late. The women would be highly insulted if you left because they are from eras in which people were a lot more polite. You slouch down in your chair and prepare yourself for a long, long service.

Well those of you who visit my church, "El Buen Pastor," are not going to have trouble with this any longer! To solve this problem I have developed a useful diagram of all the permanent sections of the church so that you don't end up sitting with a group you are not comfortable with or end up taking someone's seat.

As you can see in the diagram, I sit in the middle with my other gringa friend. Why?
1. Because I think the light chatter of the elderly women is quite entertaining
2. Because I don't want to sit to far to the left to be close to the creepy guys in their 30's, nor too far to the right to be distracted by the snide comments of the wisecracking young guys
3. Because its the best place to sit acoustically.