Monday, March 09, 2009

Maidens of the Sea

During the high school retreat last weekend I hiked up a hill near the beach with a lot of boy students. We stopped to rest - me on my rock...

...boys on theirs.

Miss Page after she wakes up: You guys look like sirens sitting on that group of rocks like that.

Student who doesn't listen in English class: What is a siren?

"Influenced-by-Peruvian-Machismo" Student: Is she calling us mermaids? Isn't that a kind of girly thing to be?

Student who lives to do well in school: You know, it's one of those humanoid creatures in the Odyssey that attracts men to their doom.

First Student: Oh, so in other words, Miss Page.


luaphacim said...


Doom, baby.

tsbjf said...

LOL! I love reading your blog, you always put a smile on my face!!!