Friday, July 18, 2008


At the grocery store, Dale and I bought many different types of fruit and took pictures as we opened and tried each one. At the staff barbecue, we found out that some fruits you are supposed to eat plain, while others you should not eat plain - in other words - the Peruvians on staff at ICS laughed at us - for about 5 minutes.
This one was impossible to eat - unless you know how to eat rocks.

This one was good - like a melon sort of.

Tart deliciousness.

Cheap starfruit.

Really good flavor but with a lot of seeds - we just eat the seeds too and its all good.

Pretty when cut but with the taste of pure orange peel. The Peruvians laughed the hardest when we said that we had tried this one.


Jenny said...

That's really funny! It seems like you tried every fruit out there. Very adventurous!

tsbjf said...

Sounds like the natives get a kick out of you guys!