Tuesday, July 08, 2008

And they’ll know we are Christians…

I am sitting in the Atlanta airport nearing the end of a 5 hour wait there for my flight back home. I am bored.

Next to me a woman is quizzing her son on Bible trivia, apparently for some competition in Wichita. After a while they stop. The boy picks his nose. He looks about 17 years old. He picks up “Boy’s Life” magazine from his carry-on luggage and begins to read jokes.

Bible Quiz Boy: Hey, do you want to know where I get all my funny jokes? This magazine here (holds up “Boy’s Life” magazine). How do you keep a bull from charging?

Mother: Do you need to go to the bathroom?

Bible Quiz Boy: How do you keep a bull from charging?

Mother: You had better go to the bathroom, it’s going to be a long flight.

Bible Quiz Boy: (pauses) … How do you keep a bull from charging?

Mother: Take away his credit card?

Bible Quiz Boy: (disappointed look)

Mother: Am I right?

Bible Quiz Boy: (doesn’t respond)

As we waited for luggage at the Wichita airport, I quickly took a photo of Bible Quiz Boy. Just as I pushed the button, he swung his drink up and took a quick swig – just like Napoleon Dynamite. Yessssssssssss.

A rare shot of Bible Quiz boy alongside a random cowgirl.


Rachel said...

makes me giggle

Jenny said...

Wow! That's really funny! You've got a great sense of humor Eden!

DP said...

...or he looks like like Dwight from The Office.

Unknown said...

that's a good picture, and a good post

Matthew said...

I love reading your blog, Eden. I am looking to more exciting tales of your adventures...

tsbjf said...

Ohmigosh, that is so hilarious! And I love it that you are not afraid to take pictures of totally random people! ND was an awesome movie. I'm saying this again, you have the funniest posts ever!