Sunday, August 24, 2008

Taxi drivers: the World's Underecognized Thespians

I was traveling back home after taking Dale to the airport to fly her out of my life. On the way home I realized how enjoyable it can be to barter with taxi drivers…

Eden: Good evening. How much does it cost to get to…(my destination).
Taxi Driver: (looking a little sheepish) Oh, only 25 little soles…
Eden: (puts on a face of shock) 25 soles??? I normally pay 10.
Taxi Driver: 10? Why that’s so low! (tries to look like I beat him) 20 then.
Eden: (laughs) I won’t pay any more than 15
Taxi Driver: Oh but the traffic!
Eden: 15 is very reasonable
Taxi Driver: Oh but its so far away, Senorita! 18 then.
Eden: 15 and no more.
Taxi Driver: (laughs) Ok then, 15.

Hearing about the taxi driver’s family and business on the way back was just as entertaining - a conversation worth every centimo.


Ben and Caroline Fisher said...

Hope you are enjoying your stay there and teaching. School is going well for .... better than my pregnnacy, I can say.

tsbjf said...

LOL! Man, you are good at bartering! I would be totally intimidated with that kind of thing.

lisaqshay said...

Hi Eden, I'm Lisa, Lauren's aunt in NC. I've been checking up on ya'll down there. I've enjoyed your blog and will continue to stop by and see how things are going for all of you there. May God richly bless you in all that you do in service to Him. You girls will be used mightily by Him. Take Care!