Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome to our Batismal...

[caption id="attachment_605" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The Baptees"][/caption]

My church would not be so interesting if it were not so small.

Two Sundays ago, three friends of mine were all getting baptized.

Before baptizing everyone, the pastor pulled each baptee up to share their testimony and said a  flourishy statement to the crowd in a most Peruvian way.

His statement to the man on the right in the photo above was classic:

Pastor: Martin, come forward.
Martin: (comes forward)
Pastor: We are here to witness the baptism of Martin Mendoza Espinoza Mechinara Malpartido.
Crowd: (laughs)
Pastor: We can laugh at such a grand name, but the fact is that our brother now has adopted the most grand name of all: the name (dramatic pause) of Jesucristo.

El Pastor called up Pepito to be baptized first. Pepito's eyes got big when he got into the water. "Apparently, the water is frigid," we all thought innocently. Little did we know what Pepito would confess later: That he really had to pee and at that moment couldn't hold it in.

My freshly baptized friends' words upon hearing it: WHAT? I AM GOING TO KILL HIM!

[caption id="attachment_606" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The confessing culprit"][/caption]

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