Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dude 2

How to enjoy surfing in Lima:
  1. Go on a 2 hour bike ride down the beach with two biking friends
  2. Stop and relax sometime in the middle of the bike ride, sitting and watching the ocean
  3. Watch your friend greet a surfing instructor she knows who happens to walk by
  4. Get offered surfing discounts ($6 for renting everything you need for however long you want it!)
  5. Surf the next day
  6. After a long struggle of getting on a wetsuit for the first time, enjoy the fact that you look like a tough ninja
  7. Learn what to do and stretch
8. Get your board and enjoy the fact that you look like a surfer even though you have not touched a wave yet. Throw around some stereotypical “Dude” and “Whoooaaa” phrases in each one of your sentences until your friends give you I-really-wish-I-could-hurt-you glances9. Move out to the waves
10. Catch some waves with the help of an instructor who appears to be one of Jar Jar Binks’ distant offspring (His long and flowing dreadlocks and reddish brown skin did the trick. However, he was different than Jar Jar as well, being helpful rather than stupid and annoying.)11. Die on the floor of a Jeremy and Rachel’s house afterward
12. Resurrect just in time to play with Jeremy and Rachel’s twin baby girls

Extra note: It really was an exciting, exhausting experience. By the end of it my arms were tired of rowing back to the waves, my eyes could barely open, my stomach didn’t feel too good after consuming a good deal of polluted salt water, and I felt seasick on top of it all. But I loved every minute of it and becoming a master of a wave was thrilling even if it only happened on occasion.

“So will I see you tomorrow?” asked Jar Jar, before I left the beach.

“Another day,” I replied with a smile.


DP said...

Is JarJar Willie?
I like the one where you're hugging the board.
The twins are getting so big!

tsbjf said...

Nice pics! Man, that is super cheap for renting the gear. Looks like fun!