Saturday, November 01, 2008

I learned something new today

The most gentle way to be woken up from an afternoon nap is through a minor earthquake.


lisaqshay said...

oh dear...I hope you all only EVER experience minor earthquakes over there.

btw, glad you got a kick out of our crazy family celebrating the BIG WIN in Philly. We are a bit nuts, as you witnessed. My middle child suffered no harm when I threw him to the ground in order to fix the TV that went crazy when someone hit the remote accidently. In fact he never even mentioned it. But while tucking him in bed later that evening, he told me I got him in the face with my foot during the dog pile scene. I said, "Way to take one for the team, lil buddy!"

no doubt, he can add this experience to his adult counseling sessions along with other middle child syndromes...LOL!

Praying for you all down there. God will bless you mightily as you bear good fruit in His name.

tsbjf said...

Wow, already on your 2nd earthquake!

Matthew said...

Maybe I'm strange, but that sounds kinda nice.