Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Eden and the City

Today mom and I had time to kill in Wichita, so we went to AmVets, our favorite thrift store (look to the right to see the "National Commander" of Am Vets). Unfortunately, we (and a black woman* who had also just arrived) soon discovered that the store was not yet open and the three of us sat on a bench facing a semi-busy street in downtown Wichita. Then a strange thing happened. A man who had stopped at a red light all the way across the street rolled down his car window and yelled our way:

Random man: “Hey! Aren’t you that one girl from Sex and the City? I saw you on TV the other night!”

Mom: Well, he isn’t talking about me.

Black woman*: I know he isn’t talking about me.

Me: (nervously) What is Sex and the City?

So I guess I look like a Lady-of-the-Evening?

*I hope that my father will understand that I do not mean to use the descriptive word to encourage people to prize their skin color rather than their character, I merely mean to use the word to enhance my description of the day's occurrences.


Jenny said...

You're funny! I wonder which one he thought you were? Maybe Sarah Jessica Parker.

Anonymous said...

Eden I finally have a blag as well at


Unknown said...

Ha Ha! Actually, Caroline, it's called a BLOG not a BLAG.

tsbjf said...

That is hilarious!