Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just so you know, super is pronounced "sue - pear" when said in Spanish

My friend Jenna and I are walking around downtown Lima in search of the National Fine Arts School of Peru so that I can enroll in a class. We are lost and Jenna asks someone for directions...

Jenna: Pardon me Señor, do you know where the Escuela de Bellas Artes is?

Señor: I am not sure. …Wait, let me ask my SUPER AMIGO!

Suddenly appears SUPER AMIGO!!! - a man donning a cape, tights, and red underwear! He places his hands on hips and proudly turns to us. His bangs are greased into a tight swirl in the center of his forehead and he has a confident smile!

SUPER AMIGO: Hola, how can I help you?

Jenna: We are looking for the Escuela de Bellas Artes.

SUPER AMIGO: Oh yes! The SUPER ESCUELA DE BELLAS ARTES! You can see SUPER BELLA art and statues and WHATEVER art your heart desires to see. Just go DOWWWWN two blocks, take a RIGHT down to MORE blocks this way, and walk 5 MORE blocks and THEERRREE you will find it!

We told him "gracias" though later I thought back on it and realized that we should have said something more like “You saved the day again SUPER AMIGO!”

Here is a photo of the SUPER ESCUELA DE BELLAS ARTES


DP said...

Maids, gardeners, guards, superheroes... What don't you have in Lima?

luaphacim said...

wow, seriously, that guy had a superamigo?

And now for some practice at witnessing: "Yo tengo un superamigo tambien; se llama Jesucristo. Quisiera conocerle?" Tee hee.