Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Last night was my last final. This semester was the most difficult for me so far which is why I haven’t posted in months.

Here are some things that made me laugh which I would have posted if I had time this semester:

1.) I went to prom with (cousin) Bengi! People made comments to him like, “What is your prom date’s name?” or “Wow, you brought your girlfriend!” which made us both wince. Despite the scary comments though, it turned out to be a lot more fun than my High School prom since the kids at Chisolm Lifeskills Center had absolutely no inhibitions. When we first got there, one of the students walked up to me and mumbled something about wanting to dance with me. I said I would, but as soon as we started dancing one of the teachers came up to us and said “James! You’re dancing!” When he heard her, my dance partner’s eyes got all big and he actually ran away. Poor kid

2.) In Spanish class we were practicing how to say, “If I were… I would…” phrases. The professor was calling on us to tell her in Spanish what we would do if we were the president. Most students said typical liberal-college-student statements such as “I would stop the war” or “I would incarcerate Cheney” so I started to tune out. However, I started listening up again when one student said boldly, “If were president I would make sure to feed the poor to everyone.” He meant, of course, that he would make sure the all the poor had food but it still made me laugh for a while afterward.

1 comment:

DP said...

Summer time! Since your blog is way more interesting than mine, write more!