Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Eden's Views on the News

Many with blogs spend much of their time commenting on the latest topic mass media is obsessed with, but as I usually get my news through word of mouth, it takes me a while to develop firm stances on these topics.
Two years ago, Pope Benedict XVI's election to the papacy resulted in feelings of relief, worry, happiness, and outrage. Today, I finally found my view of the new pope. To put it bluntly, I am afraid of him. I have 4 reasons why this is the case:

Reason # 1: He looks oddly like the most recent Hollywood villains.



The Emperor from Star Wars

Hannibal from Silence of the Lambs

Reason #2: This picture:

Reason #3: He looks like a lizard.

Reason #4: He is such a change from the old, more...light-hearted?...pope, shown in the following pictures:


DP said...

Okay, here's another:
I wanted that second picture to be one of you, but...
Okay. That's too harsh.

DP said...

Thanks. Now post again, please and I'll probably say the same to you.