Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unknowingly Shmoozing

My friend Cynthia is good friends with the dean of her university Priest Johan Huys Leuridan (photo here) . Recently, I also have started a friendship with the man. He likes talking philosophy which I wish I knew more of so I could enter into much more profound debates with him.

Today, we went to visit him and encountered a señora eating some of his stock of wine and cheese. He had us sit down, I tried to start a conversation:

Me: So, what have you been talking of?
Señora: Oh, we have been discussing politics.
Me: Oh. Well I suppose I will be useless to your conversation. I know nothing about the politics of Peru!

After we left...

Cynthia: Eden! Do you know who that woman was? She is the mother of the prime minister of Peru!



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