Sunday, October 05, 2008

Q: Why don't you go to Sunday School, Eden?

A: Because the church service alone is 3 hours long and I can only take in so much Spanish in one blow.

Here is how they manage to make the service twice as long as I am accustomed to:

Service is supposed to begin
Service begins

10 minutes of prayer
30 minutes of worship
NOTE: Worship at my church is pretty special because:
  1. tone deaf or not everyone sings with all their might
  2. the super old keyboard makes every song a true 80's experience - worship often sounds exactly like this actually.
  3. The guy playing the keyboard does have a mullet now (see him in an older photo below).
  4. the songs usually are made up of meaningful rather than meaningless lyrics.
30 minutes of a special presentation (missions presentation/testimonies/skit etc).
60 minutes of preaching (if speaker is feeling merciful; +15 more minutes if he isn't)
20 minutes of communion
10 minutes for offering
20 minutes of announcements
10 minutes for prayer and one last song

1:30PM service over
30 to 60 minutes of everyone talking amongst their friends and family and only then do they go to eat lunch (which often takes about an hour to eat).

I will resist describing the young adult group I attend Saturday nights which usually lasts 4 hours. Peruvians have little room for ADHD, lots of room for relationships. Though they require me to change my nature, I love them sometimes.

1 comment:

tsbjf said...

Woah. They really throw everything together into one long service!