Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Oh Eden you shouldn't have! Your one beauty!

Since most my family and friends are on break, I have been to a New Year’s Eve Party, Christmas Party, volleyball party, Friend-Going-To-Africa party, Birthday Party, and Hair-Dying Party.

All these parties have been relaxing after a difficult semester of college, but I am surprised to find that I am beginning to want a few days just to be productive and work again.

When we were playing kick the bucket at my Aunt Anne’s Birthday party yesterday, the two youngest cousins were given the task of tagging people by yelling out their names. I was so insulted to find that neither cousin knew my name. We had the conversation below as both of them were chasing me through the hallway:

Henry: Hey, what’s your name again?


Henry: Anthony, what’s her name?

Anthony: I don’t know.

Me: Hey! I just told you my name Anthony!

Henry smiles: Wait… I know your name…

Me: Oh good what is it

Henry: Aunt Alice!

The results of our hair dying party.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Henry!
I'm lovin' the hair!

Unknown said...
