Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Yes, my mom gave my dad a gun for Christmas. Both my parents decided that it was time to rid our country home of bothersome pests (pests of the animal kind of course). As can be seen below, we all had to try it out (if only to get pictures of ourselves looking stealthy and dangerous).

Dale says these pictures make it appear as though the country is finally turning us into hicks but I don’t think so.

Well, I don’t have no more time to waste on this newfangled typin’ machinery. Gotta go watch me some Nascar and cry to the song “Christmas Shoes.”

Friday, December 14, 2007


School is about over and I finally have enough time to get all my projects done! My first project is to finish getting all my family’s artwork online. (If you are one of those people wondering why anyone would actually want to do this, the answer is that you just wouldn't understand). A lot of the artwork I discovered while documenting made me laugh, but Dale's drawings definitely made me laugh the hardest. See below for examples.

My sister Grace was pretty offended when she saw the image above since she has been scribbled out of the drawing.

And finally, my personal favorite:
But I always thought Dale could have gone far with her artistic abilities if she had decided to continue to take it in High School. Below is one of the last works of art she made (probably at age 14).

Monday, December 10, 2007

How to Have Christmas Fun

1.) Visit the Khols' home late at night.

2.) Ask Jeremy if he would like to go on a walk. Benji will sense you are leaving and trail along.

3. Walk up to the neighborhood's giant light up Christmas Tree. Enter.

4. Look up. You will see something like the image on the right.

5. Spin around 10 times fast.

6.) Run as fast as you can away from the Christmas tree. Brace yourself - you will eventually fall over.

Helpful Hints:
If, in your excitement, you forget to put on shoes, simply follow Jeremy and Benji's example and remove your jacket to wear as a pair of socks, temporarily of course.