Monday, January 08, 2007

4 and 20,000 Blackbirds

Today when Dale was running and I was riding my bike beside her we saw the largest and longest flock of blackbirds we ever saw. We were traveling south and they were flying north over the field next to us for 2.5 miles and probably more, but at the end, they trailed off into the horizon and we never did see the end of them. I rarely enjoyed studying biology, but I think I can see now why someone would devote their life to figuring out things about birds, or the stars, or the human body. There is an infinate amount of unexplored territory for scientists. Everything has been created with such complexity, no one, even with one-thousand lifetimes of research, could ever figure everything out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you wrote about this. I guess I'm just getting too lazy at this whole blog thing. I'll try to write more.