Monday, March 06, 2006

About my Schooling

Since Dale insists, I guess I will add another post to my blog. I have trouble finding the time to do it because of school. Speaking of school, I have included a picture of the head of the art education department, Mary Sue Foster (I wish I had time to put my own pictures on my blog, rather that having to steal them off the internet). Anyhow, I always have her as one of my professors and this semester, I have her teaching two of my classes. She is just your typical professor-made high school art teacher (terrible at communication and just a little bit crazy, though I guess that could describe me too).
My other professors include a laid back Spanish teacher with the lispy accent of the Spaniards, an old shy and humble environmental science professor (I disagree with with what he believes and he is a terrible teacher, but like him), a temperamental yet practical statistics professor, an ex-hippi for a design teacher, and a high school art professor that demands two large assignments each week (I wanted to put a picture of him on here because he looks just like the old crank he is, but I couldn't find one).


DP said...

I'm hoping these proffesors of yours don't identify themselves on this, Eden!

Unknown said...

Don't worry, I know them well enough that I could tell them they are cranky or absent minded to their faces.
Anyway, I think they have better things to do than look up to see if their students are posting something about them in their blogs.