Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where I live now

Click HERE to see an honest photo of my untidy and incomplete room. I am planning on doing a bit more to it when I have the time.

I love my little room and patio. Open the curtains of both windows and I have a panoramic ocean view and can hear the waves. My little place is one of the reasons I think I could stay in Peru for some time.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Thoughts of a Questioning Atheist

In the womb I sucked up the fluids of a drunkard mother, then bottle-fed on cheap beer till I could hold a cup of whiskey

without an experience of sobriety I grew

fading in and out of reality

is reality


I beg

the provider for more cheap wine

a slave to his freely given mercy so that I will never have a chance to look at myself in a mirror not dim


They say that a state of dryness does exist

that there is freedom for inebriated people like me

but is this the truth or is it merely another drunkards song?

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Meaning behind Sunshine

The wonderful thing about my new room is I have a view of all the coast. Yesterday, sitting on my bed, I could see a glimpse of sun shining on the Islas Palominos, population 0. In Lima there are well over 8 million habitants who would all appreciate more sun in their lives this time of year.

Is that ironic or poetic?

What I have been working on...

I have given a name and logo and facebook home to our art and faith group. Its neat to see how connections between artists are already happening. See it on facebook here.

Opera update

I fixed the "night at the opera" post. If interested in seeing a bit of what I saw, go to this link.